DeFilippo: Find your village


Being a parent is the hardest job I have ever had. Hands down, no doubt about it, hardest job ever. I guess that’s why we always hear the adage: it takes a village; and I too have found this to be true.

In the beginning, my online parent groups saved my life. I was so overwhelmed when Mikey was diagnosed as profoundly deaf at 6 weeks old. I remember walking out of the audiologist’s office in a haze, tears streaming down my face, clutching a folder of pamphlets that now described my precious baby, sleeping peacefully, soundlessly, in his carrier. Thankfully God placed a woman right there in the waiting room to be a beacon of light for me. She told me about a local group of amazing parents with deaf children, who later led me to so many amazing resources those first few years of his life. And so, my village began to take shape. A village formed out of necessity.

When Mikey was 2, he was diagnosed with autism and I was drowning again, swallowed whole by the unknowns. During a time when no professional seemed to have any answers, the knowledge and support from other autism parents were my only lifelines. I just needed someone to get it, to truly feel what I felt, and God delivered. I was welcomed into an online community of parents who are some of the very best humans on the planet: tireless researchers, fighters, advocates, confidants; brave brothers and sisters in this shared walk as special needs parents, and I thank God for them. How many nights we’ve sat up together over a message board, fingers flying across the keyboard, unable to sleep, hounded by unanswered questions and a future of fears. Sometimes all we really wanted was to know there was another in the fire, and dear reader, let me tell you, there is: his name is Jesus.

My sweet boy will soon be 10 years old—double digits, y’all— and with most of the big fires controlled to a low roar, the mundane of everyday life has settled in. And what do you know, these days also have their struggles, but I’ve learned the most important truth along the way, while I was down in those trenches: our Mighty Lord and Savior was sitting right next to me, catching my every tear, patiently waiting for me to turn to him and surrender it all.

Since turning my life over to him and being baptized in 2016, the Lord has been so kind and merciful to me, growing my village to include some of the mightiest faith-filled prayer warriors in this town, who I get to live out life with and share with every single day. In the fires and in the mundane, and not a day goes by that I don’t thank him for it.

No matter what hard times you are going through, sometimes all you need is someone willing to sit in it with you. I pray you know that you can take your hurts, habits and hangups to the foot of the cross, and our mighty counselor will gladly send the village.

Is this season of parenthood overwhelming you? Now is the time to dwell in the house of the Lord. Right here in the hard times, the confusing times, the hopeless times. Lean into the Lord. Seek the shelter of his mighty wing, find rest in his shadow. When we feel we can’t go on, he alone will sustain us.

Lisa DeFilippo grew up in Centerville and attended the University of Kentucky where she graduated with a degree in journalism. She enjoyed a career in publishing before marrying her husband, Michael, and deciding to bring their young family back to the cornfields of the Midwest. Lisa enjoys spending early morning hours in the word, being outdoors with her family, quality time with close friends, good food, and long nature walks. She can be reached at [email protected].