Greenfield woman officially charged with intimidation remains in county jail


Victoria I Perkins, 19, Greenfield

GREENFIELD — The former Greenfield-Central High School student who was arrested several days ago for posting intimidating comments on social media aimed at her former school is still sitting in the county jail nearly two weeks removed from the incident.

Victoria I Perkins, 19, Greenfield, remains an inmate in the county jail where she was given a $2,000 cash bond after being charged with a Level 6 felony count of intimidation and a Class A misdemeanor of intimidation from an incident May 15.

Perkins made her initial appearance on the charges Friday in Hancock County Superior Court 2 via video court. Judge Dan Marshall entered a not guilty plea on Perkins behalf and then set the $2,000 cash bond.

Perkins is the former student who went into the high school without permission in late April and was caught roaming the halls while sending out a live feed of her journey through G-CHS calling the school “unsafe” and noting she could have caused real damage while there. Perkins was trespassed from the school for that incident. She was arrested later that same day in an unrelated incident and charged with a Class A misdemeanor count of criminal trespass at her former place of work, the Greenfield Jimmy John’s.

According to a probable cause affidavit from the latest incident, a school resource officer working at G-CHS was contacted by the district’s superintendent who said there was a school threat.

District officials were sent an Instagram screenshot that morning that read “you’ll burn like me soon” with a Greenfield-Central gym and Instagram page in the background. The page was created by Perkins and posted on her story timeline, the affidavit said.

The SRO noted in the affidavit they had received numerous phone calls during that morning from parents advising they were scared for their child’s safety due to the post. The report went on to say the person who posted the latest threat was the same female officials from the Greenfield Police Department arrested two weeks ago for violating a “no trespassing” order at Jimmy Johns and walking around inside the school posting videos about how easy it would be to “shoot up the school.”

Officials noted in the report, Perkins was located in the 1200 block of N. State Street May 15 and was pulled over for a traffic stop and while pulled over she admitted to posting the statement on her social media account.

Perkins told the officer who arrested her she was talking about burning “her hand” and not the school, the affidavit said.

The report went on to say Perkins has incited fear into hundreds of people including staff, parents and the student population the last couple of weeks.

“This is just one post that was brought to my attention and multiple others insinuating harm to others,” an official stated in the report. “I am requesting charges of intimidation and requesting a 72(-hour) hold, with mental evaluation.”

Officials also noted in the report that Perkins stated she didn’t threaten to burn down the school, and she already has a “no trespass” at Greenfield schools.

The matter is now set for a pretrial conference in Marshall’s court June 23. In the meantime, Perkins remain in the county jail.