Two new Crider bills to protect Hoosiers signed into law this week


Governor Eric Holcomb (center) signed two bills authored by State Sen. Michael Crider (right, seated) that will protect victims of domestic violence and those who are electronically tracked by bad actors. Members of the Hancock County prosecutor’s office attended the signing.

STATEHOUSE — Bills authored by State Sen. Michael Crider (R-Greenfield) that will protect victims of domestic violence and those who are electronically tracked by bad actors were ceremonially signed into law in Indianapolis this week.

Senate Enrolled Act 158 will require individuals arrested for domestic violence to be held for at least 24 hours before they can be released on bail. This allows the victim in these cases the opportunity to make arrangements for their safety following the offense.

Senate Enrolled Act 161 will create penalties for using electronic tracking devices to track an individual without their knowledge in order to commit crime and endanger Hoosiers. It also aligns with current statute concerning placing cameras or surveillance equipment surreptitiously, while still protecting Hoosiers and their privacy.

“Both of these laws are incredibly important to ensure the safety of vulnerable Hoosiers. Survivors of criminal acts need to know that they have options to protect themselves,” said Crider. “I believe these laws will protect Hoosiers from continued domestic violence and deter bad actors from committing these heinous acts.”

Both laws will go into effect July 1. Crider noted both bills were inspired by the Hancock County case involving Ronald McClure, 50, Indianapolis, who was sentenced to an 80-year prison term in March 2022. He was convicted of attempted murder and kidnapping, among other crimes. The case was handled by the Hancock County Prosecutor’s office. Many members of the team were on hand for the signing at the Statehouse.

The Daily Reporter will have a recap of the latest session from Crider and State Rep. Bob Cherry (R-Greenfield) in this weekend’s paper.