Local resident writes from memories, daily logs of his life


Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter will feature our “Neighbors” each month, whether it be someone with an interesting hobby or profession, or a nonprofit group making a difference in our community. Here, longtime Greenfield resident Leonard Meyer shares about two books he’s written and published; the books can be found on Amazon. Meyer, who grew up in South Dakota, is retired, lived in Greenfield 24 years and this spring moved to Shelbyville. He had been married 66 years before his wife passed away; he has three children, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

If you know a person or a group that you’d like to see featured in Neighbors, email [email protected].

Daily Reporter: Tell us about “Lenny’s Korean Conflict Days.”

Leonard Meyer: I wrote it to give people insights into the Korean Conflict through the eyes of a farm boy as he served in the U.S. Army in Kentucky and Virginia. Many of the details are captured from the diary I kept and the letters saved by my wife providing a day-to-day snapshot of my experience.

DR: Why did you write a “Tidbits” book?

LM: I wrote it to share my memories as a young farm boy growing up in South Dakota between 1932 – 1952. Hopefully, it will give people insight into what life was like in America before World War II.

DR: How did you get started in writing?

LM: It ran in my blood. My father, mother, grandfather and aunt all kept daily logs and I did too.

DR: How did you learn to write?

LM: I learned in grade school. My teacher kept me in during recess and I was to write 500 words as a punishment. I wrote 500 words and ended with “to be continued.” I never had to miss recess again!