Letter to the Editor: I support Crider’s ‘No’ vote


I support Crider’s ‘No’ vote

To the Editor:

In response to Mr. McDowell’s opinion piece in the March 19, 2022 edition of the Reporter concerning Senator Michael Crider’s vote against the conceal and carry law. I will certainly remember that the Senator had the courage to vote his convictions. Knowing full well the backlash he could expect from his action he voted against a bill that he, and the overwhelming majority of law enforcement officials in this state, considered a clear danger to law enforcement officers, officers who are every day being exposed to increasing levels of threats. The contention that those who voted against the conceal and carry law are attempting to curtail anyone’s right to bear arms is ludicrous. It is perfectly reasonable to expect that someone carrying a concealed weapon has at a minimum undergone some kind of background check. I will certainly remember Senator Crider’s vote when I vote for him in both the primary and general election.

Mike Fleck, McCordsville