DAR holds veterans ceremony


Dianne Taylor, Peg Queener, and Lori Pierce took part in a veterans ceremony by the Major Hugh Dinwiddle Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Submitted photo

KNIGHTSTOWN — Bells were rung and a wreath was laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Memory Garden in Knightstown in honor of veterans.

The Major Hugh Dinwiddie Chapter DAR recently held a ceremony honoring the 11th hour, 11th day, of the 11th month when peace was declared for WWI. Twenty-one bells rang as the group walked to the marker that honors the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The DAR chapter also met Nov. 6 at the Crazy Horse Hops Barn, with Judy Martin as hostess. There were 16 Members, two prospective members, and one guest attending.

Regent Denise Akers opened the meeting with Chaplain Linda Ashwill.

The club:

Welcomed Sandra Van Hoy as a new member;

Heard a treasurer report by Dianne Taylor;

Learned that four bags of trash were collected along Knightstown Square for National Day of Service;

Voted to donate to the Wreaths Across America project;

Looked at pictures of two Vietnam Veteran book giveaways, in which 61 books were given in Knightstown and New Castle;

Discussed decorating a tree in the theme of Valley Forge for a display at the New Castle Henry County Public Library, in which patrons will vote by placing canned goods in a box;

Discussed stuffing stockings for military members overseas Dec. 6 and 7 at Brown Funeral Home in new Castle;

Decided to hold a Christmas dinner at Willie and Reds in Hagerstown at 4 p.m. Dec. 11, which will be the next meeting of the club.