ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Doing more for health care


Baltimore Sun

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught Americans anything, it’s surely the necessity of making sure everyone has access to decent medical care. After all, it’s not enough to make sure the affluent can be treated or receive preventive care; it’s in everyone’s best interest to see that hospitals aren’t overwhelmed when a virus breaks loose. Yet, over and over again, we have witnessed this basic inequity for 16 months: Those of means get full medical care, those who do not often suffer. This is not new.

Last week’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act, which has since its passage 11 years ago sought to help close this gap between the haves and have-nots of health care, is heartening. Not just because it keeps Obamacare in place, but because it did so with an exclamation point — a 7-2 ruling that even included Justice Clarence Thomas. It doesn’t take a legal expert to recognize the Affordable Care Act isn’t going away.

As of this month, an estimated 31 million Americans have health insurance either through ACA marketplaces or the law’s Medicaid expansion, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data. Just as significantly, the nation saw a drop in the rate of the uninsured for much of the last decade. Yet too many Americans still lack health insurance.

That’s why the Supreme Court victory is great, but building on the success of the Affordable Care Act would be better. There are still many millions of Americans whose medical needs aren’t being met under the existing program. President Joe Biden has already made some steps in this direction, adding a special enrollment period in February, while funds from the American Rescue Plan are helping make ACA coverage more affordable this year. Yet additional steps need to be taken. And it should start with GOP leadership dropping their misplaced antagonism toward the law which was, after all, a compromise that preserved private insurance instead of moving toward a single-payer or ‘Medicare for All” system as liberals sought. Republican voters have benefited from the Affordable Care Act. Their elected leaders are simply unwilling to admit it.

It won’t be easy for certain critics to change their tune and stop referring to Obamacare as a government “takeover” of medicine or a communist plot. But then it probably also wasn’t easy for conservatives who initially opposed Social Security in the 1930s (even as nearly three dozen other countries had already adopted some form of social insurance). It was many years after the program’s initial passage that signature changes were adopted such as cost-of-living adjustments (1950) or disability insurance (1954). Social Security may need some more tweaks and better funding, but it’s been generations since anyone seriously talked about doing away with that government safety net.

In his official statement, President Biden called the Supreme Court’s ACA ruling a “major victory for all Americans.” It certainly is that. But it’s also not the end of the story for providing greater equity in health care.