Letter to the editor: Criticism of conservatives was cheap shot

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To the editor:

I have a question and a few comments on John Krull’s column, "Lawmakers behaving badly, again" (Feb. 25, Page A4).

I read that "Rep. Greg Porter, D-Indianapolis, spoke about a bill that would allow students from racially diverse South Bend Community Schools to transfer to a nearby system that is almost exclusively white. He said the bill was discriminatory."

I asked my wife what is he talking about; it sounds like an opportunity for a racially diverse population to upgrade? My wife, the sharper crayon in our box, suggested that he meant that only the white students would be allowed to transfer.

Then why didn’t he and Mr. Krull say that openly, so that even I could understand it? Mr. Krull subsequently reported that some conservatives booed Mr. Porter and his supporters, and that the conservatives were afraid that Rep. Porter had possibly spoken the truth, implying that that was what really scared the Indiana conservatives.

Mr. Krull then stated that conservatives were more afraid of being called racist than actually being racist. I find that most insulting. I realize that being a conservative today is like being a target in a shooting gallery, and people like Mr. Krull are taking all the cheap shots that they can. It demeans Mr. Krull, not conservatives.

Additionally, in the last decade, the speakers being thrown out of major colleges, without even given a chance to present their approach to society, are the conservative speakers. Mr. Krull is director of Franklin College’s Pulliam School of Journalism and should be ashamed of himself for this cheap shot at conservatives.

Kenneth Peterson
