Homemakers cancel Chicago trip

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HANCOCK COUNTY — The Hancock County Extension Homemakers recently released this statement regarding its annual Chicago shopping trip: “COVID-19 has caused all organizations, groups and individuals to postpone and/or cancel activities and celebrations. Hancock County Extension Homemakers is no exception. For many, many years we have hosted the all-day Chicago bus trip for shopping, sightseeing, etc. on the first Friday of December. Much to our disappointment, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has dictated the trip to be canceled. The trip cancellation is disappointing in so many ways…[including] the Homemakers’ activities and community outreach programs that have benefited from the trip’s profit. So, here’s hoping 2021 will see everyone and everything less restricted and the Chicago trip will happen. We look forward to it.” For more information about the Hancock County Extension Homemakers, visit Hancock County Extension Homemakers on Facebook.