Letter to the editor: Choosing between democracy and socialism


To the editor:

I would like to share my opinion about the election and my argument against socialism. This election is between socialism and democracy; I feel strongly we need to better understand the goals of socialism. In so doing, we’d better memorize three words that define it best: confiscate and redistribute! This government action will impact the majority of Americans who live anywhere above the poverty line. The Democratic Party has repeatedly said they will “only raise taxes on the big corporations and the wealthy, making over $400,000 a year.” If their budget calls for $6 trillion and taxes raise only $4 trillion, whom will they tax next to raise the other $2 trillion? Socialists want power and control. To get it, they promise entitlements our hard-earned money will pay for. It’s that simple.

Why is there such disparity and not total equality in the standard of living in this nation? It’s because every individual of every nationality, ethnicity, gender and religion has the freedom and liberty guaranteed by our founding documents to chart their own course in their own lives. We are not dictated to by anyone as to what to do with – or not do with – our lives. It is precisely because of such freedom that there is not “total equality.” Some people are lazy, stupid, ignorant, arrogant, feel entitled, or see themselves as victimized by something or someone. I know individuals who truly were victims, but they didn’t let that stop them from learning, educating themselves, working hard, keeping the Commandments of God, working hard and were able to build the phenomenal standard of living that like-minded people have given this nation. Immigrants arrived from many nations with their skills, talents, recipes, tools, ambition, ingenuity, innovation, a positive work ethic, respect for the 10 Commandments and a love for God.

To me, it is mind-boggling when I see the Democratic Party embrace such a flawed and destructive path for our nation! The leaders of socialism could not care less about you or me. They want power and control. The “total equality” they talk about will be the very minimum of equality. There will be “total equality” all right, equal misery.

The most feared institutions in socialism are: 1) traditional religion: The Democratic party hates religion because it carries with it “dos and don’ts;” they want legitimacy to do that which is wrong. They do not like the idea of a Supreme Being with more power than they have; 2) conventional marriage: a family with moms and dads who raise children who will have no need to call upon government and therefore, their votes cannot be bought; and 3) private property: Government has no control over it, and likewise over individuals or profits gained by individual property owners.

Capitalism has given you, me and every member of the Democratic Party’s radical left an unparalleled standard of living. If I were a gambling person, I would wager that not one of them has gone without a single thing during this nation’s pandemic. Capitalism has done that. What about the food distribution system in our nation? No one has gone without, thanks to capitalism and the generosity of others who were able to provide. Food for thought! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal never talks about production, its absence in socialism, or what it takes to keep production moving. Removing fossil fuels would severely hamper production across the board. Does the Democratic radical left have any idea of all the products made from fossil fuels and its byproducts that they use every day?

After the Democratic National Convention, the news featured Bernie Sanders making this declaration: "Once we get Joe in office, we will move forward with our agenda.” Joe Biden is nothing more than a water-carrying front man for the radical Democratic Party.

If you think you’re going to prosper during a Biden/Harris administration, you better think again. Our choice: socialism, equal misery, confiscation and redistribution OR democracy, freedom, liberty and capitalism.

Leigh Taylor
