Dennis Cole: The cathartic return of humor

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I am finally getting my humor back. It took awhile. Some jokes are still “too soon” considering these conditions we find ourselves living under do not have a reliably stated end date. Certain things may never be joke-worthy to me, but sometimes I cannot help but to laugh.

People who post “humorous” memes about 2020 — because almost everything is sadly predictable, especially in a very sensitive election year — used to irritate me. Jokes about our freedoms being taken away while we were lied to regarding “flattening the curve” will not ever be funny to me. As of this writing, we still have not gained back the freedom that has been taken from us. All jokes aside, I do not plan to thank Gov. Eric Holcomb for returning what is rightfully mine. This registered Republican plans to vote Libertarian for the first time in my life. I will be voting for Donald Rainwater. I am not alone. Donald Rainwater has so much of a shot at winning that he needs to send Holcomb a gift box of masks inscribed with “Thank you!” for handing him the election with the mandates extension. With a Republican majority in the House and Senate, now is the time to bring in a constitutionalist to balance things out.

What is funny to me is observing people. Predictable behavior is always worth a good chuckle. For example, I know there are conservatives who will read my statement about voting Libertarian and automatically insist this means a Democrat will get elected. I will get blasted on social media with an “education” on how elections work. The predictable responses to all my articles make me chuckle.

Unpredictable behavior is the funniest, though. In these uncertain times — I believe I am obligated to include this phrase to show I am empathetic — we are in a gold mine of comedy. There is so much virtue signaling, political posturing and mixed messaging happening now that this is the prime time to observe. Many of my funny encounters have to do with face masks… which I am a proponent of, per my last article. They are not limited to this subject. However, for the sake of space, I will only share my best mask stories… which I am a proponent of, per my last article:

A few weeks ago my wife and I saw a guy riding a scooter on the road. He was wearing a mask. He wasn’t wearing a helmet.

I was at the bank. In order to make the transaction, the teller asked to see my ID. I complied. I was wearing a mask… because I am a proponent of masks, per my last article. She didn’t ask me to pull it down so she could see my face. She completed the transaction anyway. I am relieved I wasn’t someone else. I confirmed it in the mirror when I got back to my truck and took my mask off.

I saw a similar incident take place at a store. Someone wearing a mask, hat and glasses was buying alcohol. They were not asked to pull their mask down. I suppose their eyebrows looked like the ones on the photo ID or maybe the clerk took a class on how to identify eyebrows over the age of 21.

You can now purchase a face mask with a flap that opens to enable a band student to play their instrument. This means the air from their lungs goes through the horn and is… do I really need to explain this one?

Of course, we have all witnessed individuals in cars who wear masks while driving solo. I cannot fathom the thought process going on there.

We live in trying times — as in, trying not to laugh within 6 feet of another person. With so many odd behaviors, it has now become potentially deadly to drink a fountain drink in public. Spit-takes through straw holes are a definite no-no. However, I think a hearty guffaw into your elbow is fine. I will need to look that up on the CDC website to be certain.

I suppose it is no surprise that I am getting my humor back. The disastrous DNC hatefest ended up providing a Trump bump. The incomparably better RNC presentation made me feel confident that President Trump is going to be re-elected.

It is a welcomed change. I have missed laughter, even if it is through a mask…which I am a proponent of, per my last article.

Dennis Cole is a husband of 30 years, father of four and a resident of Greenfield.