Chalkfest 2020: Sidewalk artists invited to hit the pavement

The Annual Chalkfest event is open to all ages. Register to participate for $5 at the event. submitted photo

GREENFIELD — Chalk drawings of encouragement and thanks have become a commonplace sight on sidewalks and driveways over the past six months of living under COVID-19.

On Sept. 19, Greenfield Main Street invites all of those sidewalk chalk artists and anyone else to participate in Chalkfest 2020.

From 3 to 6 p.m. on the Courthouse Plaza, chalk artists can create a work of their own design or create art that fits with the theme of “Under the Big Top.”

The theme was chosen, said Debra Cochran, executive director of Greenfield Main Street, because it was something fun and lighthearted.

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“It could be interpreted differently by the artists,” she added. “I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with.”

Cash prizes will be awarded in several categories: kindergarten through third grade; fourth through sixth grade; seventh and eighth grade; high school; and adult.

Each participant will get a 3-by-3-foot square of sidewalk. Artists may use the provided chalk or bring their own as long as it can be cleaned up with water.

This year’s annual event has been tweaked with extra safety measures due to COVID-19. Art squares will be spaced farther apart than usual, and all participants will get one bag of chalk to use and keep this year.

In addition to the chalk artists, the event will also include a number of vendors, food trucks and a beer garden hosted by Wooden Bear Brewing. Downtown businesses will also be participating with chalking outside their storefronts.

“It’s a family-friendly event that everyone can come and enjoy,” Cochran said. “Even if you aren’t an artist but are looking for something to do, you can walk around and watch the chalk creations come to life.”

Visit for more information and to register in advance. Registrations are available on site as well on the day of the event for $10.