Letter to the editor: Let’s give thanks for sound fiscal leadership


To the editor:

After reading the recent article in the Daily Reporter about the AAA rating we have here in Hancock County and how all the county budgets are within parameters, it sure makes one thankful for the strategic and smartly conservative way things have been handled. ("County expects revenue hit but no service cuts," July 15, Page A1.)

The council members, department heads, commissioners and the mayor are all to be congratulated. In this stressful pandemic time, the last thing we would want to hear is that our local government has mishandled the budgets or that the rainy-day reserves were spent on some frivolous, unneeded projects.

So, whether you voted for all the current county/city officeholders or not; or whether you agree with all their strategies, you truly should be glad to know that all our services and good employees will be kept as is. You only need to look to our neighbors to the west (Illinois) to see an entire state hovering at junk bond status or mighty New York City so bankrupt that they may never see the light of day in the next couple decades.

D.V. Dunn
