Letter to the editor: Trump will lead us through

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To the editor:

I don’t know where you are getting your secondhand information (Michael Adkins’ column: "Feds’ response has been disastrous," April 14, page A4), but it is crystal clear you have been misinformed. This was a very disturbing article, I am sure, for most of the citizens of Hancock County, especially those like me who have lived here for more than 50 years.

I enjoy the Daily Reporter — and have for years — but this propaganda is very disturbing to me. 

Our President Donald Trump will get us through this, and he will get our economy up and going again. Look what he has done — and continues to do — since he took office.

The Clinton, Obama and Bush years almost destroyed the country, and in three years of Trump — look at us now.

Do you really believe that China, Japan and Korea are on our side? No. The only thing they want is what they can steal from us.

President Donald Trump will get us through this, and we will be a better America. I am proud to be American and proud Donald Trump is president and will be in 2020.

Why don’t you write an article on the Democrat, the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who just gave away millions if not billions of our money to the Kennedy Foundation. Now that is the kind of person you should be bashing.

The hard-working people of this great country could use that money now. Remember, what goes around, comes around. Donald Trump will be our president in 2020.

Betty Fahnestock
