Letter to the editor: Column illustrates dilemmas Indiana faces


To the editor:

Thank you, Michael Hicks, for the enlightening article about how our educational system is keeping Indiana’s economy down. ("Trouble ahead for Indiana economy," Page A4, Nov. 5.).

For too many years, Indiana has relied on this and that educational gimmick as opposed to solid educational methods that produce "citizens" rather than cogs in the machine. I have two teachers in my extended family, one younger and one older. I also have a niece who wants to teach and is being discouraged from doing so by her parents, because they see the dismal manner in which teachers are treated, including compensation, in our society. We see further how teaching has become a diminished profession when fewer students are studying education and school systems around the country have to hire teachers from outside the country to fill vacancies.

So, again, Mr. Hicks, thank you for your excellent article.

Jim Matthews
