Solicitation season starts in McCordsville


McCORDSVILLE — Solicitation season is under way in McCordsville.

As of Friday, May 24, the town has approved solicitation permits for three vendors — Southwestern Advantage, Edward Jones and Aptive Environmental, according to information released by the town.

If McCordsville residents have a no-solicitation sticker on their door, even permitted vendors are not allowed to solicit. Stickers are available for free at McCordsville Town Hall, 6280 W. County Road 800N.

Residents are encouraged to ask for vendors’ permits when solicited. If a vendor does not have a permit, residents should call the McCordsville Police Department at 317-335-2812.

It is unconstitutional to restrict solicitations in neighborhoods or town-wide. Signs seen in various subdivisions are not binding. Privately posted signs, however, are a legitimate way to tell salespeople to leave you alone, according to the town.