SPRING HOME: Ways to celebrate Earth Day all year long


Earth Day is Monday, and it’s an occasion that gives us a chance to reflect on the beauties of our planet. Here are some simple changes you can make to your lifestyle to make every day an Earth Day.

Reduce and reuse.

You may not realize how much waste you create each day when you use disposable containers, bags and plastic bottles. While recycling is a great thing to do, that process itself takes a lot of energy to support and, unfortunately, not everything makes it to the recycling center. A better way to reduce your waste is by ditching single-use items and opting for more eco-friendly, reusable alternatives.

Make smart swaps.

Disposing of hazardous items such as batteries and bulbs can be tricky. Take a walk through your home and swap out items containing hazardous materials, such as bulbs with mercury, to rechargeable or hybrid alternatives.

Skip “fast fashion.”

Many of your favorite stores likely sell what is known as “fast fashion.” The fast fashion concept is what brings brand new apparel to consumers on a consistent basis, but unfortunately, the mass production of these cheaply made garments takes a toll on the environment. You can secure fashionable finds in an eco-friendly way by taking a look at apps and websites that sell second-hand clothing or even by visiting a consignment or thrift shop for unique finds. Declutter your own closet and give your clothing a second life by making donations to those in need.

Get your veggies.

Pick one day each week to eat a plant-based meal and skip the meat. You’ll be doing the planet a whole lot of good, as the production of meat and animal-based products requires far more water and land use than the production of plant-based foods do. On average, it takes 434 gallons of irrigation water to produce 1,000 calories of beef, according to National Geographic. To protect waterways, consider going meat-free more often. These days, there are plenty of great online resources for finding and selecting vegetarian and vegan recipes. Make it fun by making Meatless Mondays a family tradition. Consider also being more mindful about food waste in your own household, buying only what you need.

Green Your Car Wash.

The way you wash your car matters. Unfortunately, when you wash your car at home, the runoff you create heads straight into storm drains without being treated first. When you use harsh chemicals to clean your car, you’re effectively pouring those elements directly into waterways. Reduce this impact by washing with eco-friendly soap and taking steps to prevent water from entering the gutter. If you bring your car to a commercial car wash, select a facility that recycles the wash water.

Buy Natural.

Put your money where your mouth is and make a tangible impact simply by buying and using natural products from brands that are committed to taking care of the planet.


Food waste in the United States is estimated at 30 to 40 percent of the food supply, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. A good portion of that waste goes directly into landfills. By setting up a compost bin at home, you can reduce your contribution to landfills while creating high-quality soil for your garden. Be sure you understand what should and shouldn’t be composted and take steps to create the right mix of scraps for the proper breakdown to take place. From the products you buy to the foods you eat, your habits can have an impact on the environment. Let Earth Day inspire you to make eco-friendly changes to your routine.