Letter to the editor: Private schools are a better investment


The article regarding loss of funding for public schools to subsidize parochial schools might well have been written by the teachers’ union, as it failed to mention quite a few points. ("Where voucher school funding comes from," Page A6, opinions, March 21 edition.)

Parochial schools consistently out-perform public schools, as was shown quite clearly recently with the release of grades the various schools earned in educating our youth. The parochial schools were exceptionally higher in almost every case, while many public schools are stuck in a seemingly endless D or F grade for their sad performance.

Billions of dollars have been spent over many decades trying to improve these failed schools, and of course, every time the pathetic results are presented to the unions and bureaucrats running these schools, the response is always a need for "more money" to solve things.

Parochial schools have a disciplined environment and decorum is enforced, unlike the chaos and dysfunction often found in the public system. Kids in the public schools who do want to learn cannot when the class is noisy, raucous and unruly.

Many public schools have become little more than government-subsidized day care, with any actual education a mere afterthought. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is correct in wanting a national program like Indiana’s, as turning out generation after generation of semi-illiterates simply adds to our nation’s woes, and the poverty cycle so entrenched with many families.

Tim McDowell
