10 county teams set for Vex worlds


HANCOCK COUNTY — Ten robotics teams from Hancock County are heading to the Vex Worlds Robotic Competition in Louisville, Kentucky, in late April.

A representative from Team 323A Apex and Team 323Z Phoenix, comprised of home-schooled Hancock County students, responded Tuesday morning to a Daily Reporter email sent on Monday inquiring about the teams’ results from Saturday’s state championship, where 15 county robotics teams competed. The story in the Tuesday edition of the Daily Reporter ("Engineering marvels," Page A1) didn’t list Team 323Z Phoenix as a worlds qualifier.

Team 323A Apex — which competes at the middle school level and already qualified for worlds following an event in Ohio in January — finished third in its division at state and received the design award, said Nicole Bishop, the team’s coach.

Team 323Z Phoenix, a team of home-schooled students competing at the high school level, also competed at the state competition. The team was a semi-finalist there and qualified for worlds, Bishop said.