Off the Shelves – October 18


New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Adult Fiction

“He,” by John Connolly

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When Stan Laurel is paired with Oliver Hardy, affectionately known as Babe, the history of comedy — not to mention their personal and professional lives — is altered forever. Yet Laurel’s simple screen persona masks a complex human being, one who endures rejection and loss; who struggles to build a character from the dying stages of vaudeville to the seedy and often volatile movie studios of Los Angeles in the early years of cinema; and who is haunted by the figure of another comic genius, the brilliant, driven and cruel Charlie Chaplin. Eventually, Laurel becomes one of the greatest screen comedians the world has ever known: a man who enjoys both adoration and humiliation; who loves, and is loved in turn; who betrays, and is betrayed; who never seeks to cause pain to anyone else, yet leaves a trail of affairs and broken marriages in his wake. But Laurel’s life is ultimately defined by one relationship of such astonishing tenderness and devotion that only death could sever this profound connection: his love for Babe.

Adult Nonfiction

“Black Klansman,” by Ron Stallworth

When black detective Ron Stallworth sees a classified ad in the local paper recruited those interested to the Ku Klux Klan, Stallworth does his job and responds with interest, using his real name while posing as a white man. He figures he’ll receive a few brochures or a magazine in the mail and learn more about a growing terrorist threat in his community. Weeks later the phone rings, and the caller asks Ron: “Would you like to join our cause?” It’s 1978; the KKK is on the rise. Grand Wizard David Duke has made a name for himself on talk shows and through magazine interviews by preaching a kinder Klan more intent on preserving a heritage than restoring a nation to its former glory. Ron’s affirmative reply launches one of the most audacious and incredible undercover investigations in history. Ron recruits his partner Chuck to play the “white” Ron Stallworth, while Stallworth himself conducts all phone conversations. During the investigation, Stallworth sabotages cross burnings, exposes white supremacists in the military and even befriends David Duke himself.