Students encourage research into the job market


To the editor:

When you are in high school, you think about what your future is going to look like. Do you like what you see? Do you know the steps you should take? Do you have a job in mind? If you say no to any of these questions, we may have an answer for you. Follow these four easy steps to be on your way to greatness and make your dreams a reality.

Step 1: Figure out what you like and/or can do. For example, if you like music, and you can play an instrument, you might want to consider being a musician or having a career in the music field.

Step 2: After you figure out what you like or are interested in, match those interests and abilities with a reasonable and realistic job choice.

Step 3: Research that job choice and see if it looks like something that is good for you. Knowing the environment, salary or income is very important.

Step 4: After evaluating your research and deciding on a career choice, all you have to do is work for it.

If you don’t feel like college is for you or if you want to just get your bachelor degree, here are some example just to get a general idea.

Five highest paying jobs without college:

  • Computer programmer
  • Electrician
  • Welder
  • Production supervisor
  • Manufacturing machine operator

Five highest-paying jobs with bachelor degrees

  • Chief executive
  • Computer and information systems manager
  • Architectural and engineering manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Petroleum engineer

We are four high school JAG students from Eastern Hancock High School, and we wrote this letter to help students and anyone else who are looking for a career path. As long as you follow these steps and stay on track you will succeed. In JAG we studied and researched what we wanted to do with our future to help us give better advice to others. In our research we learned about different types of careers and the interests and abilities to be good at that career. Most importantly it’s all about you.

Nauddia Whittle
