Candidate for congress supports term limits


To the editor:

The goal of our U.S. Congress is popular representation. Congress should be a body comprised of everyday Americans who take a few years out of their personal lives to serve the public and then step down to resume their private lives. However, our current Congress is rife with reticent career politicians who only seek personal gain and reelection. The public interest is sacrificed for special interest groups and the game of politics.

The surest way to restore Congress to its intended purpose is through Congressional term limits, such as the two-term limit imposed on the office of the President. Congressmen have no such limits, allowing many career politicians to hold the same office for over thirty years. Term limits give everyday Americans more representation and control over the legislative branch. When the state of California enacted term limits for its state congress, female, minority, and occupational representation dramatically improved. The incumbent advantage that bars many Americans from winning Congressional seats would be diminished with the creation of term limits. We as Americans need to act to save Congress and restore it as a representative body of the people.

How can we do this? The only way to start this process is for Congressmen to propose such an amendment, which will only happen when we elect citizens that pledge to fight for term limits. One such man, who is running for office in the 6th House of Representatives district, is Tom Ferkinhoff. This November, we have an obligation as American voters to fight to bring real change to our Congress. All Hoosiers in this district should fight for the principle our country was founded on, representation, by electing Tom Ferkinhoff for U.S. House.

Cooper Smith
