Thai rescue provides insight into humanity

Michael Adkins

The world is a much better place when its inhabitants share a common goal, based on humanitarian purpose, and work together to accomplish the goal with no political agenda; no tribalism or nationalism; no racial bias; no economic gain; and no one cares who takes the credit. Such was the case with the rescue of the young Thai soccer players and their coach.

The world watched and prayed in unison when 13 boys and their coach became stranded inside a flooding cave. Occurring at the height of the lengthy monsoon season, initial estimates ranged from weeks to 2½ months for a rescue. But a thousand people came from around the world, working together on a single common goal. They came from the U.S., the U.K., China, Japan and elsewhere. There were no complaints from Americans that Chinese were involved and no nation claimed the honor for the deed. The Thai government did not allow the worldwide trend toward greater nationalism to interfere with the rescue. Like the local farmers who lost all their crops from the draining of the cave, national as well as personal self-interest took second fiddle to this humanitarian goal.

There is a lesson to be told in this story. The world can be a much better place when it allows the better angels of our nature to take the lead. The world can create harmony when tribalism is set aside; when ideologies are left at the door; when greed is not an issue. When national pride and local interests are replaced by humanitarian goals the world is a better place. Great nations and small can live together when all these interests are put aside for a common mission. We can witness great progress when no one demands the credit.

Such a lesson should be noted by President Donald Trump. Many nations banded together in the cause of improving our climate but the president’s focus was on national commerce rather than the betterment of the globe. The same thread runs through his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal. Several nations worked together for a common goal; slowing down Iran’s capacity to make nuclear weapons. The leaders of two nations, Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu placed their personal interests above those of several nations and killed the treaty.

The success of the Thailand rescue can be a lesson for America’s domestic politics as well. Like the rescuers who came from across the globe for a shared purpose, the American people can rise above partisan politics to accomplish the many goals we all share. Years back a former chairperson of the local GOP fervently rejected my assumption that we inevitably shared far more goals than we disagreed on. In the era of ideological and partisan strife he simply could not accept an America with shared dreams and goals.

Let us hope and pray that the vast majority of Americans learn from the Thai rescue. When ideological differences are put aside, great and necessary things can get accomplished. When partisanship is rejected and replaced with non-partisan collaboration most the nation’s issues can be resolved to most Americans’ satisfaction. I firmly believe that on almost all issues we Americans share a common desire. If ideological purity can be placed on hold, if leaders are not concerned about who gets the credit or which party will benefit the most, then there is little that cannot be accomplished by our elected leaders. Furthermore, if and when the common good is placed in front of greed and self-interest this would be a much greater nation.

Michael Adkins is the former chair of the Hancock County Democratic Party. He lives in Greenfield. Send comments to [email protected].