League of Women Voters: today’s superhero


How kind of Hollywood to release “Wonder Woman” just in time to inspire young and old, men and women, to attend the Hancock County League of Women Voters inaugural meeting July 11.

“Wonder Woman” was a member of the Justice League.

Why don’t you become a member of the League of Women Voters?

The correlation between the League of Women Voters and “Wonder Woman” is more than just coincidental. It’s compelling.

They each represent strong women making the world better. Wonder Woman fought Germans. The League of Women Voters fought to get the vote for women in the United States.

They each represent love as a starting place.

Wonder Woman believes love is humankind’s better nature and can defeat evil if chosen.

The League of Women Voters believes love is best spent by defending democracy for all, especially women, racial and ethnic minorities, youth and others who have not always had a place at the table.

They each represent power.

Wonder Woman is independent and fights on behalf of the entire world. So does the League of Women Voters. Not only do its members fight gerrymandering, bad campaign finance bills and discrimination against voters right here at home, but they also work around the world to support democracy.

The local League of Women Voters kickoff meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 11 in the second floor conference center of the Hancock Regional Hospital Sue Ann Wortman Cancer Center, 801 N. State St.

My hope is the inaugural meeting resembles the kickoff meeting of Women4ChangeIndiana. Says Women4ChangeIndiana co-founder Sandy Sasso, “There were 500 women in the building, and some 400 who could not get in. The energy in the room was astounding. The number of members continues to increase, as do the offers to volunteer. This is what hope looks like.”

Why do we need hope? To start, Indiana’s state legislators haven’t made ethics and transparency priorities.

Our Congress is dysfunctional.

Gerrymandering is out of control.

Electoral choice is disappearing from many places in our country.

Money plays too big a role in getting elected.

And women are underrepresented at all levels of government.

The League of Women Voters is non-partisan, but its members do believe in a fair fight. They defend voters’ rights and promote good legislation for everyone. Their mission is “Make Democracy Work — ensuring a free, fair and accessible electoral system for all eligible voters.”

This group forming now, here, is a great opportunity to lay parties aside and work together for the common good. The average citizen needs saving from the paid-for, short-sighted, loud-mouthed bi-partisanship that passes for democracy these days.

The League of Women Voters can show us how to confront such “leadership.”

But Hancock County needs to earn the charter with a buy-in from the community, dues-paying members, a pledge of non-partisanship and a formal structure of leadership.

This inaugural meeting will reveal the feasibility of these. If you want to effect positive change in our community, become a member.

If you have an inkling you’d like to make a difference but don’t know how other than marking an election ballot, come learn. It is an open meeting. All are welcome.

Be a warrior for democracy.

Wrangle that lasso of truth around your elected representatives. Make them accountable. And if they don’t live up to expectations, give them some competition and run for office yourself.

The League of Women Voters will show you how. After all, don’t we all have a little Wonder Woman in us?

Donna Steele of Greenfield is a member of a variety of community organizations aimed at bettering the city, including

Greenfield Main Street and the Greenfield Coalition. Send comments to [email protected].