Parents accused of underfeeding boy plead guilty


GREENFIELD — A Charlottesville couple whose underweight son was labeled by doctors as malnourished pleaded guilty to neglect but will regain custody of their children, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Andrew Swafford, 37, and Ashley Swafford, 30, who were accused of underfeeding their young son, Revan, accepted plea agreements Wednesday that called for each to plead guilty to a Level 6 felony count of neglect of a dependent.

The plea deal lifted a no-contact order that had barred the couple from seeing Revan and the four other children living in their home since their arrest in April — something they’ve been fighting for since the case first hit the court docket, Andrew Swafford said.

Prosecutors filed charges against the Swaffords in April after the Indiana Department of Child Services investigated a tip from a caller who was concerned about the weight of the couple’s youngest son, Revan.

The 15-month-old boy weighed less than 15 pounds — the weight a healthy 3½-month-old would be, police noted in their reports.

Read more about the couple’s sentence in Thursday’s Daily Reporter. Andrew SwaffordAshley Swafford