SSO for Aug 1


■ How does another monument help the veterans? A far better use of city money, whether public or private dollars, would be to aid veterans who were mentally or physically permanently injured in battle. Donate the money to organizations who already are doing this work.

■ $30 million for a new fairground is ridiculous. Who is going to be paying for this?

■ While the sheep in Fortville sleep, their town council votes to raise their taxes. This is a byproduct of not getting involved.

■ To people who write letters for the editorials, please do not quote Wikipedia as your only source of information. Anyone can change information on Wikipedia.

■ I think it would be great to support our schools by selling cement cougar statues, and proceeds would go the schools. Businesses and households across the county could participate. We could decorate them in a contest and again donate the proceeds to the schools. Now, we just have to find the cement cougars.

■ Can anyone tell me how an amphitheater, a gazebo and a retention pond will add to the 4-H experience that was supposedly diminished this year? 4-H is about the kids and their projects, not the facility. Will fair attendance increase at a new facility? Probably not. What larger events are we trying to attract? Why do we need to build the Taj Mahal of county fairgrounds?

■ Whoever dumped a box spring and some chairs on south Morristown Pike just past the bridge on July 16 should go back and pick up their trash and take it to the regular trash disposal. The roadside is not to be used as your dumping ground. Take pride in your county, city and country.

■ Donald Trump and John Daly are both national treasures. Both make you smile on bad days. They’re both the uncle kids loved, but parents cringed when they showed up. Both are harmless.

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