Heavy trash days announced for Greenfield


GREENFIELD — The city of Greenfield plans a two-week program each year to rid city properties of heavy trash items.

Heavy trash pick-up days are as follows: April 18 for residents on the east side of State Road 9 and April 25 for residents on the west side of State Road 9. Trash will be picked up only inside city limits.

Residents wanting items hauled away must call in so they can be placed on a list for pick-up. Any resident wishing to have a refrigerator, air conditioner, freezer or electronics picked up should say so when calling in. A special truck will pick up those items.

Items for pick up should be placed at curbside by 7 a.m. on both Saturdays. No items will be picked up in alleys.

Calls for the east side pickup must be in no later than noon April 17; the west side has until noon April 24.

Residents must call the Street Department for pick-up at 317-477-4380.

Once again this year there will be no household trash, limbs, tires, oil, batteries or other items designated by the Street Commissioner, picked up. Paint will be picked only when it is dry and in open containers. Also, the city will not pick up any building materials.

Due to the rising cost of e-scrap, the City of Greenfield will no longer pick up televisions or computer monitors during heavy trash days.