County property to get spring makeover


April showers might bring May flowers, but there’s also plenty of people to thank for a new look on the courthouse plaza.

A spring makeover is in the works for the lawn at the Hancock County Courthouse and its annex. With work starting next month, flowers are expected to bloom in May from a community-wide initiative to spruce up all corners of the courthouse square.

Here’s a look at the project.


What’s coming?

Annuals and perennials will be planted, including hydrangeas, reed grasses, roses, daylilies, hostas, cone flowers, English ivy and butterfly bushes.


How did the project come together?

Greenfield in Bloom kicked off the project with the help of the Greenfield Parks Department and the Purdue University Horticulture Department. Last fall, Purdue students drew up plans as a class project, and Greenfield in Bloom has since been seeking donations. With 17 donors — local businesses and service organizations — the entire cost of the $7,700 contract with Howard Services was covered. All the Hancock County commissioners had to do was sign off and offer an additional $2,083 to the city parks department to maintain and water the gardens.


When will it happen?

Assuming snow clears, prep work will begin in April, with flowers planted the first couple weeks of May. As Greenfield in Bloom member Paul Norton put it, “If God works it out with the weather, everything will pop right around Mother’s Day.”