Hancock County voters can win


If you are registered to vote in the May 3rd primary election then you will be privileged to exercise your civic duty. No matter whom you choose to honor with your vote, rest assured it does have an impact when combined with other Hoosier voters. Whether it is a vote for president or candidates for local elections. At every level of government, we see limited resources and over the next several years, the economic demands on all government entities will likely increase. Just think of the issues facing our country, our state and our county governments.

We Hoosiers need to be heard at all levels of government and we need to lead the way with our voices through our votes at the ballot box. The next president will likely be tasked with the appointment of the next Supreme Court Justice or Justices, which will impact Indiana residents in many different ways.

We are all tired of the extreme governing in Washington, D.C. We Hoosiers want to see our representatives in Washington, D.C., getting things done not stagnant political jockeying for votes. Our county officials and candidates talk about the need to have economic development and how to keep taxes low while growing better jobs. State officials have failed to find middle ground on so many things from education, road and bridge funding, and passing laws that attract companies that believe in providing equal employment rights and fair pay.

Hancock County has a real chance to see a brighter future and sustained growth in many ways. Indiana counties that have found ways to come together and work responsibly moving forward have seen their local economies rise. Now is the time to look over your choices closely and decide which candidates represent your best interests.

Since becoming the Hancock County Democratic Party chairman, I have been surprised to have received some of the kindest support and encouragement from county residents. The Democratic Party will be educating voters during the summer and fall as the general election approaches in hopes of seeking more support.

During the month of May, I will be finalizing the list of candidates for the 2016 general election ballot, and any resident whom desires to be considered for a position on the Democratic Party ballot should contact me for consideration by mid-May.

Recently, the Indiana lawmakers made a change to the ballot voting process for the council at-large candidates. The new law takes effect in the 2016 General Election this November, and it requires each voter to individually vote for county council at-large candidates on the ballot. Even if you vote straight party you must vote council at large separately to have it count. 2016 can be a record turnout at the polls if we show up. May 3rd is primary election day, so please go vote.

Randy Johnson

Hancock County Democratic Party Chairman

[email protected]