Marlin Stutzman fits bill as true conservative

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To the editor:

As the Indiana 2016 primary grown near, many Hoosiers are bombarded by TV advertising on who is the most “conservative candidate” for our next U.S. senator. Many of these ads are outright fabrications. The least conservative candidates seem to have the most money to spend, convincing you how “conservative” they are.

The Heritage Action ranks members of Congress based on their voting record. Who has the most conservative voting record for all of Indiana Congressmen the last four years? Marlin Stutzman at 89 percent score by Heritage.

Marlin has a lifetime NRA rating of A and is endorsed by Gun Owners of America. He leads a Second Amendment Task Force in Congress. The Family Research Council has just presented Marlin its highest award for his unwavering support for faith, family and freedom. This month, Marlin Stutzman was invited to speak at the prestigious CPAC and Freedomworks events.

Please join me and thousands of Hoosiers across Indiana and vote for a true Hoosier conservative: Marlin Stutzman for Senate.

Janet Smith
