Chief deputy coroner deserves your vote to lead the office


To the editor:

It is with enthusiasm that I endorse Rudy Nylund for Hancock County coroner in the May Republican primary. Rudy currently serves as the appointed chief deputy coroner. Rudy has earned the support and respect of many of our citizens and deserves to be elected Hancock County coroner.

Some of the reasons for my endorsement include:

1. Rudy Nylund has been a deputy coroner since 2006. During the past two coroner terms, the elected coroner has been virtually absent from the job much of the time.

Rudy stepped up to the plate when it became apparent that bills were not being processed, resulting in vendors not being paid and paperwork not being done.

Rudy worked with the county auditor’s office to assure that all outstanding claims were processed and that all of the coroner’s office paperwork was done and up to date.

During the periods when the coroner’s office was in turmoil, Rudy stepped up and filled in for the elected coroner when a coroner was called to a death scene. These are just a few of the responsibilities Rudy assumed to keep the office running smoothly.

2. Rudy Nylund has been a paramedic since 1991.

Medical experience is invaluable for a county coroner. A paramedic is trained to recognize problems and abnormalities with the human body, diagnosing things such as heart attack, stroke and aneurysm easier.

A paramedic would more easily recognize a drug overdose. Recognizing these conditions and others can be very helpful when deciding whether an autopsy might be necessary.

Please join me in voting for Rudy Nylund for the Republican nomination for Hancock County coroner in the May primary. Thank you.

Tom Stevens

Hancock County commissioner