Community missing out on local talent

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To the editor:

I have to say that I am truly disappointed in the audience size at our community theater.

I am not sure if people mistakenly believe that they have to go all the way into Indy to see great theater, but I can assure them this is not the case.

During the past several years, my family has seen nearly every performance that has been shown at the H.J. Rick’s Center here in Greenfield. They have all been well worth the price of admission, from KidsPlay to ActTeen to CrazyLake Acting Company and Rick’s Weil Theater Company.

From the comedies to the dramas to the musicals, they all have made for enjoyable evenings and Sunday afternoons.

Earlier this month, my husband and I saw “Moon Over Buffalo,” presented by CrazyLake Acting Company. This was one of the funniest shows I have seen in a long time.

Sadly, there were lots of empty seats, which means many people did not get to experience the enjoyment of watching live slapstick comedy on stage.

I highly recommend people pay attention to the Rick’s marquee as they drive through town. Next time a show is running, they really should go see it. They won’t be disappointed.

Beth Batka
