Kelly: Indiana Senate plan latest round in surplus talks


Most of the talk surrounding the special session that starts Monday is about abortion, but that issue isn’t even the primary reason Gov. Eric Holcomb called lawmakers back to duty. Instead it’s about rebates or refunds or inflation relief - whatever they choose to call it.

Morris: Government Transportation


Now that I am old enough to embody a Duke Ellington song – “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” – I guess I should be grateful that government is willing to expend so much time, effort and money to aid my mobility.

John Krull: When tragedy visits the local mall


Some things grow old fast.

DeBoer: $6 billion in Indiana state balances; large balances in 2023 could trigger more...


Mid-July is number-cruncher nirvana if you follow the Indiana state budget. That’s when the Indiana State Budget Agency releases its closeout for the previous fiscal year. This year the glorious day fell on Friday, July 15, and we learned one astounding fact: At the end of June, the end of fiscal year 2022, Indiana balances were $6.1 billion. Our state has six billion dollars in the bank.

Another perspective: New hotline help for those in crisis


More Hoosiers and Americans are in need of mental health services after more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and its multiple effects.

Morris: A not-so-special session


Indiana legislators are gearing up for a special session set to begin July 25 and last at least a couple of weeks. We should urge them to reconsider and just stay home.

Dunn: Inflexible laws and their consequences


Many questions and concerns have arisen since a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim was sent to Indiana for the abortion that was denied her in her home state.