Kiwanis club news

Daily Reporter staff reports Linda Hart, executive director of Hancock County Senior Services told Kiwanis of Greenfield about the agency recently. ...

City unveils growth update; retail, historic preservation added

GREENFIELD — Bringing new development — from improved parks to additional retail options — while preserving Greenfield’s historic character is the overarching theme of...

Men plead not guilty in counterfeit case

Men plead not guilty in counterfeit case GREENFIELD — Two men pleaded not guilty Monday to charges they face related to an...

Local educators thankful for $3.5 million boost in school safety spending

HANCOCK COUNTY — After Indiana lawmakers cut the state budget for school safety grants by 65 percent in early spring, Gov. Mike Pence recently...

A voice for women

GREENFIELD — In Georgeanna Teipen’s mind, the worst crimes are those that violate relationships, that break trust and leave victims feeling emotionally scarred and...

Family seeks damages after 2011 school bus crash

GREENFIELD — Family members of a former Mt. Vernon student are suing the school corporation after their daughter sustained injuries in a bus accident...

Healthy snacks for fall

Fall has arrived. The smells are all around; the leaves, the apples, the bonfires, the cider! This season provides many opportunities for...

Students to explore career opportunities

HANCOCK COUNTY -- For students entering high school, the pressures of mapping out the four years ahead of them -- as well as those...

Proposed registry causes stir

Daily Reporter Correspondent FORTVILLE — A town effort to establish a local business registry — which would be free for businesses that...

Proposed registry causes stir

Daily Reporter Correspondent FORTVILLE — A town effort to establish a local business registry — which would be free for businesses that...