Hope for Living: Keep going, do not fear, God is with you


One of my favorite things about the way God chose to tell his story in Scripture is that he chose to use real people with real problems and real failures.

Every year it seems we make plans and promises that we do not fulfill for a variety of reasons. Many times these failures cause fear, frustration and anxiety.

Today I want you to be encouraged, because God knows and understands the struggles of humanity. He told his story through heroes like Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, Peter and others who, even though they failed to be perfect, learned from their mistakes and kept moving forward. We can and should do the same.

Many followers of Jesus will be familiar with Isaiah 41, verse 10:

“Do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be afraid, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you; I will help you;

I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.”

This passage reminds us of several things we need to remember as we recognize our strengths, weaknesses and failures, and as we get up continuing to push through life.

First, God is real and he loves you. He created you in a unique way, and he has a unique purpose for you. He is a personal God who never leaves or forsakes those who place their faith in Him.

Second, he does not want you to fear, because fear will limit your accomplishments and rob you of joys. We find peace and overcome fear when we trust God. It is when we lose focus on God and begin to work out of our own strength rather than His that fear takes hold of us

Third, we do not walk alone. He is with us. It is his strength that will get us through and help us to be overcomers. When we are uncertain he already knows what we need and is preparing a path for us, and his strength is sufficient to meet all our needs and to help us achieve all his purposes.

As I think through the many difficulties of life, I am comforted when I realize God is with me and will strengthen me. Knowing that allows me to keep moving forward to accomplish my goals and purposes. When I fail, I am in great company, and all I have to do is turn to the Lord and trust him to help me back on my feet and keep me moving forward.

Never give up, and always turn to God, where his Righteous Right Hand will hold you up!

Roger Kinion is senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Greenfield. This weekly column is written by local clergy members.