Opportunities available to weigh in on comprehensive plan virtually


Attendees participate in a workshop for Hancock County’s comprehensive plan update at the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation on Nov. 9, 2021.

HANCOCK COUNTY — Opportunities are available to weigh in on the county’s comprehensive plan update online.

Called Future Hancock, the plan addresses the unincorporated parts of the county as well as the towns of Shirley and Spring Lake. It will include visions for land use and thoroughfares along with an economic development strategy. The plan will serve as a guide for those elements along with future growth, housing, parks, public services and related topics.

A link to the virtual workshop is at futurehancock.com. Participants are encouraged to view a presentation and complete a survey to share their experience, opportunities, challenges and priorities for the county’s future. An interactive map is also available for sharing insights on existing conditions and making suggestions for land use opportunities for change, preservation and growth.