County adds COVID-19 death, raising total to 178


HANCOCK COUNTY — The county added a COVID-19 death Thursday, raising its total to 178.

The victim was a woman age 80 or older who died on Oct. 26, according to information from the Indiana Department of Health.

Hancock County’s state COVID-19 advisory level improved to yellow this week, the second-least severe, which it hasn’t been since August. Most of the state’s counties are now yellow or orange — the second-most severe. One county — Monroe — is in the blue, or least severe rate of spread. Just one is red, the most severe — Blackford County.

Hancock County added 17 COVID-19 cases Thursday. Indiana added 2,062 new cases, spanning from Oct. 26 and 27. The state also added 20 new novel coronavirus deaths, spanning from Sept. 23 through Oct. 27.