Readers share chair-throwing memories


This week marks the 30th anniversary of arguably the most famous Indiana University basketball moment:

On Feb. 23, 1985, Indiana coach Bob Knight was ejected five minutes into the Hoosiers’ 72-63 loss to Purdue when he threw a chair across the court. Knight, after two fouls called on his team, was hit with his first technical. While Purdue was shooting the technical, Knight picked up a chair from the bench area and threw it across the court, earning his second technical.

The Daily Reporter asked its Twitter followers @GDRsports and Facebook fans if they remembered what they were doing that fateful day. Here are some of their responses.

Jeff Wright @MagnumPE –

Saw game on TV with my Purdue friends in WL. Couldn’t believe he actually tossed it across the court. Happy that Boilers won!

John Harrell @JohnRHarrell –

As I recall, Bob Ford was doing commentary on the TV affiliate doing the game, and he calmly said, “There goes the chair.”

Scott Richardson @SRPhotog –

I was a senior at IU and was at that game!

red @witsmits11 –

At the mall hanging out between the girls state finals games. Walked all over trying to find a TV to catch replay.

Mary Arthur (Facebook) –

Watching on my 19-inch black-and-white tv with rabbit ears. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing!