Letter to the editor: Gun legislation will make us less safe

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To the editor:

I am writing in regard to the article that appeared in the Daily Reporter, "House backs important issues," by Tom Davies of the Associated Press (Feb. 24, Page A5). In this article, Davies reviews legislation that would eliminate gun permits for "law-abiding" citizens.

First, this is not one bill, but eight. Not mentioned is what else these bills seek to deregulate. These bills seek to remove regulation of firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories as well as the ownership, possession, carrying, transportation, registration, transfer and storage of firearms. Another bill states that a non-resident of Indiana may carry a handgun while visiting Indiana.

The article points out that the superintendent of the Indiana State Police, the leaders of the state’s police chief’s association and the Indiana Fraternal Order of Police all spoke out against the legislation. This seems an impressive array of individuals and organizations that do not feel this is worth exploring.

Control of access to guns by those with histories of violence will become even more difficult when access to guns is so easy. People with histories of violence due to violent crimes, domestic violence or mental illness will be more difficult to monitor for gun purchases where the general public is able to buy and carry weapons without review.

I can only hope the people of Indiana view this as legislation that will make society less safe and take the time to voice concerns to your state representatives (as I just did) and state senators (which I will do, if one or more of these bills passes to the Senate).

Jim Matthews
