Restaurant’s fundraiser lands close to home

Graiden Maier, 10, requires surgery to remove his pancreas, spleen, gallbladder and appendix. His family will be away from home for nearly two months for the surgery and rehabilitation. Photo submitteed

GREENFIELD — A dine-to-donate event to be held at Lincoln Square Pancake House this weekend is particularly special to the staff who work there.

On Saturday, Nov. 28, 10% of proceeds at both the Greenfield and Fortville locations will be given to the family of Graiden Maier, a 10-year-old boy who will soon travel to Cincinnati for surgery to remove his pancreas, spleen, gallbladder and appendix.

Graiden is the son of Lindsey Hinkle and the grandson of Dana Brown, both longtime servers at Lincoln Square.

Brown works at the Greenfield restaurant, while Hinkle now works at Costa’s Grill. Both Lincoln Square restaurants and Costa’s Grill are owned by local restaurateur Costas Stylianou.

Emily Eno, who manages the Fortville Lincoln Square restaurant, said it’s not unusual for the restaurants’ staff to show up for one another when it counts.

“We’re really a big family,” said Eno, who is close friends with Hinkle. The two used to work together at the Greenfield pancake house.

Hinkle worked for Lincoln Square for nine years; her mom has worked there for 10.

“Considering Graiden is the son and grandson of two of our employees, we want to do what we can to support them,” Eno said.

Graiden has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, a bad gallbladder, chronic gallstones and other related maladies.

After his surgery on Dec. 10, he’ll stay in the hospital for 2½ weeks and then spend 4½ weeks in rehab.

The surgery, recovery and rehab will all take place in Cincinnati, during which time Hinkle, her husband and their other two children will be staying in a hotel. Due to pandemic restrictions, the family is unable to stay at the Ronald McDonald House, which supports families of sick kids.

Eno said the family will be in need of prayers, support and financial assistance to see them through. The cost alone seems daunting, she said, especially with Christmas coming.

“There’s the cost of the hotel, food and transportation, in addition to the surgery and medical costs, plus still paying for two months of rent and utilities and bills back home,” Eno said.

“It’s a big burden to take in, and they need all the support they can get. We’re trying to do what we can to help relieve a little bit of the stress.”

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Money is being collected to support the family of Graiden Maier, a local 10-year-old who will undergo surgery Dec. 10 to remove four of his organs.

To support the Give for Graiden fundraiser, plan to dine at Lincoln Square Pancake House between 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Saturday’s fundraiser is being held at both Hancock County locations: at 118 W. Main St. in Greenfield; and 901 E. Broadway St. in Fortville.

You can also opt to donate in a collection jar. Lincoln Square will match the donations at the end of the night.

Money to support the family is also being collected on a Go Fund Me page. Search for “Give for Graiden” at
