Better late than never: National Road Yard Sale set this weekend

Shoppers can find clothes, tools, antiques, collectibles and other unusual items for sale. Submitted photo

HISTORIC U.S. HIGHWAY 40 — The Historic National Road Yard Sale, originally scheduled for late May, will finally take place this week from Wednesday through Sunday. The annual 820-mile event stretches from Baltimore, Maryland, to St. Louis, Missouri, with literally hundreds of yard sales, garage sales and rummage sales all along the way — including right here in Central Indiana.

Kim Couch, co-coordinator along with Donna Tauber, admits that COVID-19 threw a monkey wrench into the planning for the annual event causing them to postpone.

“Some communities have called off events in their town,” Couch said, “but there has still been a lot of response on the Facebook page.”

The annual event began in 2003 when Donna Tauber, as President of the Indiana National Road Association, as a way to promote business and attractions along the route. That first year, it was limited to Indiana, but the idea caught on when Ohio to the east and Illinois to the west began to participate. Publicized by tourism bureaus, newspapers, television news, social media and word of mouth, the National Road Yard Sale event is traditionally held the first Wednesday after Memorial Day though the following Sunday along the entire route.

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The goal of the sale, according to the Facebook page, is for communities to create one long festival along the route as a way to showcase what makes them unique. Past sales have drawn in thousands of people to the area for antiques, furniture, fresh garden produce, glassware and collectibles.

Couch looks forward to seeing old friends during the span of the sale. In past years, she has opened her yard to vendors and even those who might want to camp on her property — some from as far away as Florida.

“A group came from Florida with a van,” Couch said. “They own a thrift store. They come here to buy and take it back to their shop and sell.”

“I plan my vacations around this week,” Couch added. “My husband and I bought this house to be on the sale route.”

Although she is trying to let people use their own judgment, Couch offers advice to both vendors and shoppers: “Practice social distancing. If you’re concerned, wear a mask or even rubber gloves. And hand sanitizer for sure.”

For more information, contact coordinators Donna Tauber 765-987-7565 or Kim Couch 765-969-7593 or visit the official Facebook page at Historic National Road Yard Sale — US 40 Sales.

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The Historic National Road Yard Sale runs along U.S. Highway 40 through central Indiana, as far east at Baltimore, Maryland, and as far west at St. Louis, Missouri.

The dates for the sale are Aug. 19 through 23 with Friday and Saturday as the most popular sale dates.

Visit Historic National Road Yard Sale – US 40 Sales on Facebook for more information and drive carefully.
