Letter to the editor: Pondering courtesy on the road, respect for teachers

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The the editor:

While ruminating in isolation, a couple of items have been on my mind. My husband and son farm, and planting in the spring is always a stressful time, made even more so usually by drivers who are not considerate of the fact that farm machinery is large and takes up much space. This spring, however, was a pleasant surprise. Nearly every driver we met pulled into a driveway or off the road to give us room to continue on our way down the road. I don’t know if it’s the realization that the world won’t end if we slow down a bit (even if forced to that realization by the coronavirus), or the fact that some food shortages have occurred during this trying time. At any rate, we appreciate the consideration.

I would also ask that we all keep our teachers in our thoughts. Being a retired teacher, I can’t imagine having to teach in the current conditions. From not knowing what one is teaching until the week before school starts; to worrying about infecting family; to having to teach both online and in the classroom, teachers are facing a very, very difficult task. I know that they will do their best to always act in the best interests of children, being the dedicated professionals they are. We need to lift them up when we can and show them our appreciation.

Vicki Brooks
