Letter to the editor: Democrats are trying smear Curtis Hill


To the editor:

(In reference to the editorial about the Indiana attorney general ("Curtis Hill should do the right thing and resign," May 26, Page A4):

Is it true the women were all Democrats? I think something smells like another typical smear by Democrats. Hard to prove when the women fluttered about him, causing his hand to innocently touch a plunging back of the dress. Why is this Democratic newspaper always catering to left-wing views like the professor John Krull, who has strong anti-Republican views. Editorial opinions seem to represent the views of this newspaper.

What happened to people like Walter Cronkite, who just reported the facts and not slanted opinions? No wonder people have lost respect for news media.

You could do well to follow the example of "The EPOCH TIMES," the fastest-growing newspaper in America. People thirst for the unbiased truth that we all deserve.

Paul W. Daugherty
