Letter to the editor: Postal service provides a vital function

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To the editor:

I am responding to the Los Angeles Times editorial, "Postal Service made for times like these," that appeared in the April 23, 2020, edition of the Daily Reporter. In short, I couldn’t agree more.

Attempts by conservatives to either privatize or totally eliminate the United States Postal Service have been guided by misinformation as to what this service is really about. Their assertion that the USPS should either be profitable or be eliminated is wrong. The postal service is not a profit-making institution. It has the sole purpose of delivering mail to as many places as is humanly possible. And that means it has to deliver mail to some pretty unprofitable places. Places to which delivery companies will never approach.

I view the postal service as a public utility. It will likely never be profitable. At the same time, it should never cost the taxpayer unreasonable amounts of money.

Jim Matthews
