Where they stand Q&A: Justin Crawford

Justin Crawford

Why are you the best candidate for office?

I believe I am the best candidate for a number of reasons. The first thing that comes to mind is my drive to public service evidenced by my career choice in public safety. Secondly, my construction background and knowledge of budgeting, building, planning and zoning will be beneficial to help navigate impending growth. I currently serve on the Fortville BZA and also helped form the Residential PUD Standards for the town. Lastly, my independent, objective approach along with my personal perspective having a younger family growing up in our community and school system will be an asset to Fortville.

What is the most pressing issue facing Fortville?

I feel that the future growth of Fortville and the surrounding communities is the most challenging and pressing issue facing our town. It is crucial that all of our towns and the adjoining communities work together to ensure development is controlled and well-planned. I firmly believe if done correctly, we can grow our business and tax base while shifting increased traffic around the historic town. My goal is to keep our historic charm while growing the tax base enough to improve existing infrastructure, improve our parks and invest in public safety.

Does Fortville need smoking rules that are stricter than Hancock County’s?

I have reviewed the changes, and my initial inclination is to continue to follow Hancock County’s smoking ordinance. I feel the changes made could possibly reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. Prior to the changes, an individual could smoke 10 feet from the door. This would expose individuals utilizing some of the busiest sidewalks in town. I feel a filtered, ventilated room (such as that proposed by Maduro on Main) would limit exposure to the individuals that chose to enter that room. That being said, I would ask the town attorney to evaluate the new ordinance looking for potential liabilities or unintended loopholes that the town should address.

Should Fortville pursue a riverfront development district, in which more liquor licenses would be available for restaurants that serve alcohol?

I do believe that Fortville should pursue a riverfront development district. Fortville has several fantastic restaurants and has become a destination for visitors to enjoy these establishments. I believe this is an important step to continue to attract restaurateurs. I believe that a proper plan needs to be created with input from the town. Like all decisions the council makes, it should consider all input from the community and be cautious that a decision like this does not have unintended consequences. Ultimately the liquor license approval process has several checks and balances, and I don’t currently see a downside.

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Name: Justin Crawford

Age: 38

Party: Independent

Office sought: Fortville Town Council District 1

Occupation: Firefighter, engineer

Political experience: None

Family: Wife, Kristin Crawford; two children
