Letter to the editor: Latest attempt to overturn 2016 election is absurd

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Latest attempt to overturn 2016 election is absurd

To the editor:

The failure of every previous attempt by the Democrats to overturn the 2016 election of President Trump has now led them to an even more absurd try to negate it.

The liberal writer featured regularly in the Daily Reporter seems to be watching a bit too much biased, leftist Democrat-controlled media. Trump asked Ukraine to investigate the Biden CORRUPTION done during the Obama administration. He also wanted any help finding the sources of the fake dossier cooked up by foreign agents to help obtain an illegal FISA warrant involved in the original witch hunt.

At this point, Democrats can either look at the facts or continue pretending they are somehow going to be successful in impeaching this legally elected president. The path they are on now is so patently phony, without merit and simply silly, that they are only digging their own hole deeper. Their base may be gullible enough to buy this baloney, but thankfully, there are still enough folks in America who are smart enough to ignore the idiocy and will vote to continue the fabulous success Trump has created.

Tim McDowell
