Saturday sound-off


I am so sick of our LOCAL politicians always wanting to RAISE TAXES. Learn to live within your budget like the rest of us do. With all the new building going on they should be able to lower taxes, not raise them.

Mr. Trump looks like instead of draining the swamp you may be restocking.

To the people installing the beautiful American flag in front of Gander Outdoors — thank you! A wonderful addition to Greenfield. I can’t say the same for the tubes over I-70. A real waste of money! City spenders, how about fixing New Road? West of State Road 9 is very bad.

What a joke! A 2½-minute meeting including the pledge. Since when does someone do something at their job that warrants being investigated and get punished with a two-week paid vacation?

A 2½-minute meeting at 7:45 in the morning. They certainly didn’t want any other school employees to be able to attend by having the meeting at this time. Something is definitely being covered up. Maybe the Reporter should do some digging into this on their own.