Clergyman concerned for “the new normal”


To the editor:

As an elder of Christian ministry, having served 55 years of pastoral ministry, I speak out of deep concern for the moral fabric of our nation. Something new and dangerous is afoot among us, and before it’s accepted as “the new normal,” we need to confront this threat.

A very diverse group of Christian leaders, the elders of a wide representation of Christian denominations has published a document that deserves wide dissemination: “Reclaiming Jesus, a Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis.” This clarion call to those who claim Jesus as Lord is the product of an Ash Wednesday retreat of concerned Christians. It is equally directed to both political leaders and church leaders, inviting their prayerful consideration. The document and its signers with its six affirmations, can be accessed at

I am dismayed that so little attention is given to the fundamental dislocations in what I assumed were common mores and practices in our country. The Christian community has been disturbingly silent when basic norms have been put aside for political expediency. I find no discernible moral center in the words and actions of our president, and I look in vain for evidence of a moderating influence from our vice president. His silence and complicity for the sake of future political ambitions is disturbing when he claims a Christian orientation.

I encourage you to read the document If you are a person of faith, allow the biblical witness to challenge our recent governmental initiatives. “It is time to lament, confess, repent and turn.”

John Krueger
