Where they stand Q&A: Will Ronan


Why are you running for office?

I am running for office because I want to help shape the future of Hancock County, and the place that my wife and I will raise our children.

What makes you a qualified candidate for the position?

I am qualified for this office because of my financial background. I have a Bachelor of Science and MBA in accounting and will have my CPA within the first year of being on council. I have created still functioning budgets along with forecasting existing budgets into the next five to 10 years.

What are your top three goals for the position?

1. Contribute to creating a safe community to raise my family. 2. Keep a fiscal eye investing for our county’s future. 3. Be a part of the solution to Hancock County’s jail overpopulation and drug/mental health crisis.

What are the most pressing issues facing Hancock County, and what can the county council do to help?

One of the most pressing issues I see is the jail overpopulation crisis which is contributed to by the mental health and drug/opioid epidemic. As a member of the county council, I would work to seek funding for a new criminal justice facility and make sure that our law enforcement, prosecutors and first responders have the tools to attack the mental health and drug/opioid crisis.

Do you support construction of a new criminal justice facility? Why or why not?

Yes, I do support construction of facilities that are done in a fiscally responsible and sustainable way to protect the taxpayer.

Identify one area where Hancock County is overspending, and identify one area where you’d like to allocate more resources.

I believe that overall the council over the past 10 years has done a respectable job of controlling unnecessary spending, but I feel that they did not look to the future and invest in areas such as public safety.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Bio” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Name: Will Ronan

Age: 29

Party: Republican

Office sought: Hancock County Council

Occupation: Accountant at Next Gear Capital

Political experience: None

Family: Wife Leah, two boys
