Off the Shelves – May 11


The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Adult fiction

“Different Class,” by Joanne HarrisAfter 30 years at St. Oswald’s Grammar in North Yorkshire, England, Latin master Roy Straitley has seen all kinds of boys come and go. Each class has its own clowns, rebels and underdogs. But every so often comes a boy who doesn’t quite fit the mold: a troublemaker, a boy with darkness inside. With the closure of the school looming, a new headmaster arrives bringing with him new technology, sharp suits and even girls to the dusty corridors. While Straitley does his sardonic best to resist these steps toward the future, a shadow from his past begins to stir again. A boy capable of terrible things still haunts Straitley’s dreams 20 years later.

Adult nonfiction

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“The Great Wall of China and the Salton Sea: Monuments, Missteps and the Audacity of Ambition,” by Russell Rathbun.Mankind has been building and making things ever since stumbling out of Paradise. Some of those things are incredible continuations of God’s creation, while others are nothing but ambitious catastrophes. We continue making, says author Russell Rathbun, but we’ve lost ourselves in the process. So how do we find ourselves again and rebuild our connections to each other, the earth, maybe even God? In search of an answer, Rathbun drives cross-country to the Salton Sea and takes a trip to China’s Great Wall, interspersing his traveling revelations with musings on Madame Mao’s Gang of Four, Grandpa Webb’s family secret, the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel, and a host of other subjects that grab his attention.